‘Marine college plans move ahead’ Byron Shire News – 5 June, 2008 A marine college for Brunswick Heads is one step closer now that the State Government has shown its support for the concept with $11,500 to help the college develop a business plan and website. The college has been the dream of local shipwright […]
‘Brunswick Heads get its own whale’ Byron Shire News – June 19, 2008 Brunswick Heads has a new baby, a very large baby with a distinctive tail, named Yolanda, and now the proposed Brunswick Heads College of Marine Studies hopes that it too will have a new baby this year. Yolanda the humpback whale has
‘Hopes for marine college’ Byron Shire News – July 3, 2008 Christian Havet has finished a degree in Environmental Science at Southern Cross University, but to acquire a job in the field requires further study – study that he would love to be able to undertake locally. “After uni there’s not much offering,” he said.